修复了一个叫做Protect Orl’s research krewe事件的潜在BUG
修复了Assist the skritt with their fortifications的一个BUG
修复了Escort Brugh to Morgan’s Spiral可能卡住的BUG
修复了Help the Priory return the energy core to the Henge of Denravi可能会阻塞的BUG
Priory Explorer Plinx动态事件将不会在诅咒海岸发生得那么频繁了
Diessa高原的Defend Rimtooth, the pack marmox, from dredge已经更新。
修复了Return the stolen cattle to Stonefall Estate事件的BUG
更新了Royal Forum Waypoint,使玩家不会再破坏附近的小道具
修复了Gendarran荒野的Cull the undead horde gathering outside of First Haven事件BUG
修复了Protect krewe leader Dobbs as the krewe clears the excavation site事件的BUG
修复了Disguise yourself and gather special roots for Drysdan’s medicine的BUG
修复了Help the Soundless villager return home事件的BUG
修复了Defeat spectral weapons and bring them to Byanca事件的BUG
修复了Defend Faint Ghostnight as he searches for a new devourer egg的BUG
修复了Help Nia rescue Cymbel’s hounds事件可能会卡在路上的BUG
修复了Escort the northern invasion Pact squad to the Pact rally point at Triumph Plaza事件的BUG
修复了Help the Pact reach the Altar of Betrayal before their morale is depleted事件可能会出现的一个BUG
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