Rune of aura
(1) +25 vitality
(2) When getting an aura, apply 5 seconds of swiftness (cooldown 20 seconds)
(3) +50 vitality
(4) When using a healing skill, apply a "light aura"? (maybe its shocking aura?), lasts 4 seconds (cooldown 20 seconds)
(5) +100 vitality
(6) Your aura lasts 33% longer
Rune of dodging
(1) +25 ferocity
(2) Gain 3 seconds swiftness when you dodge roll (cooldown 10 seconds)
(3) +50 ferocity
(4) Gain 3 seconds fury when you dodge roll (cooldown 10 seconds)
(5) +100 ferocity
(6) Strike nearby foes with crippling attack when you dodge roll (cooldown 9 seconds)
Rune of traps
(1) +25 condition damage
(2) condition duration increases by 10%
(3) +50 condition damage
(4) Gain 3 seconds of quickness? when using a trap skill
(5) +100 condition damage
(6) Gain 3 seconds of stealth when using a trap skill
Sigil of ferocity - Killing a foe gives you 1 stack of +10 ferocity, killing a player gives 5 stacks. (maximum 25 stacks, stack lost on downed state)
Sigil of cure(暂不确定) - When swapped to this weapon in combat, remove a debuff/condition. Cooldown: 9 seconds
Sigil of cripple - 60% to apply cripple for 2 seconds when critical hit. cooldown: 5 seconds
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