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2024-08-27 07:22:09作者:新游 手机订阅 我要评论()




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Main Features
Modding System
you can check the status of attachments attached to the gun model and the ability of the gun in real time. The weapons you initially purchased can also be changed into good firearms through modding. Make your guns stronger and kill zombies faster!

Parts Breaking System
The parts of the body that can be destroyed by firearms include arms, legs, and head. Zombies have the property that if a specific body part is destroyed, it can not use the skill assigned to the zombie himself or attack it. Try to neutralize zombies by destroying the parts of your body that are weaknesses by zombie type!

Various weapons and attachments and throws
You can purchase a variety of weapons and attachments at each level in the shop. Weapons have more than 100 guns and more than 50 attachments, including guns by upgrade class. Some of them have weapons that can be seen in other character animation than usual. Increase your level and buy various weapons!Sub Features80+ Achievements



